Archive for November, 2007

What would happen if all trees began growing money?

The world would go crazy, I tell you. I guess poor people would get rich, but rich people would get even richer.


The first thing that would happen is people picking as many money as the could off as many trees as possible so they and their family could get as rich as they want to. Everytime it comes new money on the trees people would pick them off again at once and make sure no one picks money from the same tree as them.  I guess almost everyone would try to grow their own money trees. They probably would have trees in their garden or little ones in their house. A little money tree on the bedroom or the livingroom, we all want that, right? Someone maybe would try to steal trees from others, even though they maybe have many by themselves. You see, people are already doing almost everything for money, or, some people at least.


But I don`think thee would be someone who have more money than others. Because many would try to grow more trees, maybe steel money from someone else trees or cut down the neighbours trees just so that they would have to use long time to grow new ones and loose much money, even though it`s just to find a forest and pick money from trees there. If there is money on the trees in the forest, guess they had to go there very, very, early, at once it comes new money on the trees, and be there before everyone else who want more money than they already have.

So, when people just can pick money off trees, no one would even bother going to their work, because they don`t need a job, so that they can get money, when there is a lot of money in their own garden. When people are not working it would be less merchandise in the stores so every merchandise would be much more expensive. A single apple would cost many billions or something like that.  When this happens the money on the trees sooner or later would loose their value.  

After the money have lost their value, people would have to start working again and create new things of value to live for. Everything goes around in a circle. You have to work for the value you create. I`m sure there is a very good reason why money are not growing on trees, a reason like this. At the end maybe we would just cut down all the trees or burn them down and start all over again. Who knows? But if we do that, I wouldn’t be able to breathe.. Hm, what a mess! Let`s hope trees never start growing money 😛 

“Oh, why can`t trees begin growing money?”

Next time you hear someone say that ( probably your parents, because everyone knows how they`r like before they get their salary) you know the answear 😉

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Boring Grammar


  • Person
  • Place
  • Thing

Example: Tina, New York, a car.


  • A word that describes the noun.

Example: pretty, blue, big


  • A word that describes the verb

Example: sadly, badly, slowly


  • Something you do

Example: scream, run, sing


  • A word that connect two sentences.

Example: but, and


  • A word who can replace a noun

Example: you, me, she, he, it, I

Reflexive pronoun

  • Some type of pronoun.

Example: herself, itself, themselves, ourselves


  • A word that can mark time.

Example: until, during, at

1. To run- ran- have run
2. To jump- jumped- have jumped
3. To climb- climb- climbed- have climbed
4. To be- was/were – have been
5. To throw- threw- have thrown

10 pronouns

He, she, it, I, You, they, them, our, mine, we

10 Nouns

Julie, Sunndalsøra, computer, table, sho, Tokyo, chear, book, California, Janne.

Write 5 sentences and underline the verb in each sentence:

  • I am drawing while listening to music.
  • My brother is walking to school.
  • Me and my friends are singing.
  • She is ran to the bus stop.
  • He threw a rock in the water.

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Out Fishing (Picture 1)

It was early, in the morning. I was lying in my bed while listening to the noise of my mother making breakfast downstairs. I got out of the bed, pulled my blue jeans on and a yellow sweater. I walked down the stair. “Good morning” I said, with a sleepy voice. My mom turned her head around where she stood taking milk out oh the refrigerator.  “Good morning dear,  your father went out early for fishing, I have made breakfast, sit down” My father were often out fishing, but not always that early, but today he was, so I ate breakfast with mom. And helped her doing the dish when we were done. “Do you think dad have catched something?” “Hmm , not sure love, it has been quite bad with fish in the sea lately. But don`t worry, we have enough food anyway. Thanks for the help, you can go outside if you want to, it wont be dinner before the evening, so remember to eat if you get hungry.” She gave me a warm smile, before she went out in the garden, probably to see if her flowers needed some water on this hot summer day.

I walked down the little road to the beach. I was going to look after dad. Find out if he had catched something, and maybe ask him if he would go fishing with me later. It was a long time since we had been fishing together. He used to take me with him wen I was younger. But he didn`t do that much anymore. Maybe because I usually was busy with my homework, or hanging out with my friends. He used to go fishing early in the morning, before I woke up. I sat down in the sand. Looked around to see if I could see dad or his boat. The sand were warm, it almost burned under me.

I sat in the warm sand for a while, looking at the clouds, daydreaming. It felt like a long time. Then I recognized my dad`s voice, calling for me. “Lauren! Over here” I turned my head to left, and saw my dad walking against me, few meters away. “Hi dad!” I waved my arm. He didn`t wave back, because he was carrying something with his hands. When he came closer, I could see what he was carrying. “Oh my god! What is that?” I said in surprise. It was a kind of a weird crab, looking a little like a scorpion, a really big one. When I think about it, the crab remind me about one of those seascorpions, that lived here on earth a long time ago, maybe before the dinosaurs did. “What do you think?” My dad said, quite proud of his big catch, about one meter long. I culdn`t help starring at this creature. “I don`t know what to say, it kind of freaks me out”  Dad laughed. ” I don`t know where it came from, it was lying almost berried in the sand, not far from the water.”  I was still starring, but managed to look away for a while and concentrate on talking to dad. “Well, what are you going to do with it?” He showed me a ig smile. “We`re going to eat it of course!” “What? You are kidding, right?”  He was still smiling.    “No.. ”  “Dad! We can`t eat that thing`.. It`s.. It`s, it`s freaking ugly!” I was almost shouting at him. His smile grew even bigger and he started laughing at me. ” Take it easy! Of course we are not going to eat this thing, don`t worry!” I started to laugh too. ” Come on, let`s take it back to the sea, where this, whatever it is, belongs”  We started waking down to the water. “Didn`t you get some fish dad?” “No, not today” “Then, maybe we could go fishing together?” He looked at me, and I could see on his face hat he was glad I asked him. “Of course princess, I would really like to, it`s such a long time since the last time.” This time it was my turn to show a big smile. “Great!”


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Beautiful Song

My Immortal by Evanescence

I think this a really pretty song, even though it`s very sad. It really touched my heart! I listen to it when I`m sad, or sometimes just because I want to. I like to sing along, but that don`t sound very pretty of course..  I like songs that have a meaning, and I think this one have, many have probably lost someone, who they wont let go of and miss, and have a hard time going on without. Read the text and watch the video, hope you like it, and if you don`t, I sure do ^^

I’m so tired of being here
Suppressed by all of my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
Because your presence still lingers here
And it won’t leave me alone

These wounds won’t seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There’s just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I’d wipe away all of your tears
When you’d scream I’d fight away all of your fears
And I’ve held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
But now I’m bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds won’t seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There’s just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I’d wipe away all of your tears
When you’d scream I’d fight away all of your fears
And I’ve held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I’ve tried so hard to tell myself that you’re gone
And though you’re still with me
I’ve been alone all alone

When you cried I’d wipe away all of your tears
When you’d scream I’d fight away all of your fears
And I’ve held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

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I want to see the world!

There`s so many places in this world I would like to travel to if I could. It`s kind of hard to write down just a few of them, because I want to explore the entire world!

I have always dreamed about travelling to Africa, to go on safari or something and look at all the amazing animals who live there, like lions, leopards, zebras, and much more! 😀  I also want to see the wild animals in Australia, because there are so many species who you find only there and no where else in the world.


As you probably know by now, I love animals. But I`m not just interested in the animals, I want to meet new people and get to know their way of living and their language. There is always something to learn from other countries! That`s why I want to travel to Iceland and Japan too 😀  Think that Icelandic and japanese are very pretty languages. In Iceland I want to see the geysers and check out the volcanos.  


In Japan I would travel around the country and get to know their culture, taste japanese food and go on shopping 😉


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Elev Instruksjon Onsdag 14. November

Oppvarming (5 min.):

Elevene stiller seg på linje på gul streken mot KGB-en og begynner å utføre øvelser etter instruksjon fra instruktørene. Vi begynner med noen Jumping Jacks. Jumping Jacks-ene varierer vi med å svinge hendene opp og ned foran oss og på sidene, det samme gjelder føttene.
Etter at vi har gjort dette i 1-2 min. Begynner vi å jogge frem og tilbake i hallen. Vi varierer mellom å hoppe med samlede føtter, ta hendene ned i gulvet, arm sirkler, sidelengs, høye kne løft, spark i baken og gåsegang. Vi tar en gang over hallen med hver øvelse bortsett fra selve joggingen, der holder vi på til det har gått 5 min totalt.
Etter disse øvelsene har du fått en skikkelig generell oppvarming, med aerob-øvelser. Vi mener at den mest effektive måten å bli varm på er ved å gjøre forskjellige øvelser mens man jogger (er i bevegelse), dette har vi tatt utgangspunkt i.

Aktivitet (15 min.):

Først går vi gjennom øvelsene vi skal bruke slik at alle vet hvordan de skal utføres, vi forklarer samtidig hvilke muskelgrupper som blir brukt under de ulike øvelsene. Vi skal ha tre intervaller på ca. 2 min med sirkel-trening, ved tribunene.
Vi som leder timen tar på forhånd ut tribunene og legger ut matter foran tribunene til alle sammen. Elevene går på forhånd sammen i par slik at det er klargjort, de deler også matte. Hvert intervall skal inneholde, i rekkefølge etter utførelse:

  • Armhevinger i 20 sek.
  • Man starter med rette bein, armene i skulderbredde med hendene pekende fremover. Så løfter man seg rett opp, pass på å være helt rett i ryggen hele tiden. Når man er oppe senker man seg så ned igjen helt til brystkassen berører gulvet.
    Jentene kan ta disse med knærne ned i bakken.
    Denne øvelsen er anaerob (musklene får ikke luft og danner derfor melkesyre), og trener Triceps Brachii.
  • Sit-ups i 30 sek. Mens den ene holder på føttene til den andre og får pause.
  • Her legger man seg ned på ryggen, legger føttene opp på benken slik at vinkelen mellom lår og mage er 90 grader. En annen person holder føttene dine fast. Så legger man hendene bak på hodet og ruller sakte opp, og sakte ned. Albuene skal være borti motsatt kne annenhver gang. Hendene skal ikke legge press på nakken fordi da kan man få nakkeskader. Denne treningen er anaerob, og trener magemusklene.

For å se hvordan man utfører disse øvelsene(armhevinger og sit-ups) kan man gå inn på og trykke på «ovelser» under dokumenter nederst på siden, da blir en video spilt av i media spilleren din.

  • Tåhevinger i 10 sek.
  • Man stiller seg med hendene inn til siden, på kanten av matta. Så løfter man hælene sakte opp, og sakte ned igjen. Dette er en statiskdynamisk leggmuskeløvelse som trener leggmusklene. Dynamisk er når du trener muskler ved å gjenta en øvelse, for eksempel ved armhevinger. Statisk er når du holder en stilling lenge for å oppnå et bedre resultat ved å gjøre det tyngre, dette sliter ned musklene og gjør dem sterkere ved at de bygges opp igjen senere, kraftigere enn tidligere. Denne øvelsen er anaerob og trener ankelstrekkeren.
  • Spenst-hopp i 30 sek.
  • For å utføre spenst hopp må man først stille seg med føttene litt fra hverandre og med hendene på hofta. Det viktig å ha helt rett rygg. Så bøyer du deg ned og eksploderer oppover i hoppet. Dette er en anaerob øvelse, og den trener knestrekkeren
  • Sit-ups i 30 sek. Mens den ene holder på føttene til den andre og får pause. Nevnt tidligere.

Etter dette skal vi ha «intens» Dodgeball i ca 5min. Vi tar ned den ene skilleveggen og setter ut det normale antallet med baller midt på banen. Dette kan kalles en «lett» form for sammenhengende trening, fordi man stort sett er i aktivitet hele tiden.

Uttøying (10 min.):

Elevene linjer opp på gul linjen og annenhver trekker så 1-2 meter fram. Hver øvelse skal holdes i 15-20 sekunder (Bortsett fra øvelse nummer 6, nærmere beskrivelse finner du på beskrivelsen av øvelsen).

Tøyer: Beskrivelse av øvelse:
Lysken Sitt og press fotsålene mot hverandre. Press knærne ned mot gulvet med albuene til en kjenner det tar i lysken.
Knebøyeren Sitt på gulvet og strekk begge bena rett fram, slik at de ligger strake og forsøk å ta på tåspissene med hendene ved å strekke hendene mot dem.
Baken, Knebøyeren Sitt og ta den ene foten over den andre, press så foten mot brystet med begge hendene. Her må man bytte side.
Magemusklene Ligg på magen. Støtt deg så opp ved å sette begge hendene foran deg, og se så langt bakover som du kan.
Ankelstrekkeren Stå halvt oppreist og støtt deg på hendene. Ta så den ene foten bak den andre. Press hælen på den foten du står på ned mot gulvet. Bytt side.
Lysken Stå oppreist og strekk bena så langt ut til sidene som du klarer. Hold posisjonen i 5 sekunder før du lener deg mot høyre, hold i 5 sekunder, så lener du deg mot venstre og holder også der i 5 sekunder. Gjenta øvelsen.
Hold posisjonen og bøy deg fremover til du når gulvet, støtt deg på albuene og resten av underarmen. Se bakover. Her holder du i 15-20 sekunder.
Hold posisjonen og press så enden bakover helt til man kjenner det i lårene.
Knestrekkeren (quadriceps femoris) Stå oppreist. Ta så den ene foten opp bak, og hold den med armen. Press hoften ut fra kroppen. Pass på å ikke lene deg framover, og hold kne mot kne (benet som du holder i skal ikke fly til alle kanter). Bytt side.
Ryggen Stå på alle fire, og skyt rygg.
Delta Stå oppreist og strekk ut den ene armen, ta den andre armen under den utstrakte og press den så inn mot kroppen. Bytt side.
Triceps Brachii Stå oppreist og ta den ene armen bak hodet. Bruk den andre armen til å ta tak i albuen og press over til motsatt side. Bytt side.
Håndleddsstrekkeren Ta tak i hånden med den andre armen, (tommelen skal være under hånden mens de andre skal være ovenpå håndflaten), og press hånden ned. Bytt side
Håndleddsbøyeren Snu armen slik at håndflaten peker opp, og gjør det samme som ovenfor. Bytt side.

Etter at alle øvelsene er ferdig, så rister vi løs.

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Mean Kitty Song

This video is freaking funny!   

Hahahahah, you have to watch it! It`s about a cute litle kitty named Sparta, and the guy who made it has made lots of other videos like this one about his cat. Mostly about how he`s trying to make his cat stop biting and stuff 😛

Mean little kitty!

-Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite

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My Future Plans

What? Future plans? But.. I don`t have any! Of course I have dreams, but I don`t think they`ll ever come true.. I think I`m just going to sit on my ass and watch star wars and anime and read fantasy-books and walk with my best friends in the moonlight in the middle of the night and eat chocolate.. And be a child forever!


Yeah, that`s what I thought when I read the assignment. Don`t get me wrong, it`s not that I don`t want to do anything with my life, and my future, because I really do! I`m working hard at school and I always try to do my very best. I`ts just that the future scares me, growing up, scares me. Ever since I was little, I never wanted to grow up, and become a, dare I say it? Adult. Because I have no idea what to do, what I am going to work with, and how I am going to get a good job I like and a job who makes it possible for me to live a life on my own. I really don`t care that much about the money, but I need the money so bad, so that`s kind of important anyway.. But still the most important for me is to finish school so I can get a great job where I can do something I really like to do and still make enough money.

After junior high I guess I`ll take the specializing-line or almenfag or whatever it`s called, on high school. But after that, as I told you, I have no idea! Study at a university or something? Maybe I`ll move to Trondheim to study there.. And I would really like to live a year in USA and go to an American high school, that`s just something everyone have to do before they die. And I think I will learn so much! 

And so, all of my dreams. For not so long ago I wanted to become an author, and I still want it, I think I`ve always wanted that, very much! But will I make enough money out of that? My writing is not that good.. I probably need a real job too, damn it.. Maybe I can become an actress, that`s a big dream, or a singer? I mean, that would been so great! And when I have time, I can take pictures with some really pro camera I`ll by myself some time when I`m older, and make some art, draw a little too! Yep, that’s what I like to do, and that`s my dream, I want to become an author-actress-singer-photograph! I can draw when I`m not working.. Yeah, that sounds great! Don`t you think? But I don`t know if my dreams will come true. I just have to do my best, and take things as they comes. I can`t worry about the future all the time, when it`s right here and now I`m living!


Maybe my dreams will come true, or at least some of them, who knows? Or maybe I`ll be happy anyway? 


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Mahtma Gandhi- The Great Soul


Mahatma Gandhi was a major political and spiritual leader of the Indian Independence movement.

He was known across the world as Mahatma Gandhi, Mahatma means great soul. But his real name was Mohandas Karamchand. He was born into a Hindu Modh family in Porbandar, India October 2 the year 1869. His father, Karamchand Gandhi was the Prime Minister of Porbandar and his mother, Putlibai was a Hindu of the Pranai Vaishnava order. Putlibai was Karamchand`s fourth wife. In May 1883, when Mahatma was 13 years old his parents arranged a marriage between him and Kasturba Makhanji. They had four sons together Harial, Manial, Ramdas and Devdas.

His parents wanted him to become a barrister, and even though he was unhappy at the college he went to University College London when he was 18 to train as a barrister. In London he also joined the Vegetarian Society. He returned to India in 1891. And in 1893 he moved to South Africa, where he changed dramatically. He had to face the discrimination directed at blacks and Indians. He worked hard to secure rights to indian people in about 21 years.

Mahatma led a nationwide struggle for independence who was launched by the Indian National Congress and other political organizations.

Even in the most extreme situations Ghandi practiced non-violence and truth. He was a student of Hindu philosophy. He made his own clothes and lived simply.  

Mahatma was a prolific writer and wrote a few books including his autobiography. In the 1960`s his complete works were published by the Indian government under the name The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi.

He died January 30 1948.






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The Global Warming


It`s scary, how far global warming has come, and I think this movie was quite instructive and showed us how serious global warming is, and that we really got to act, right now! Before it`s too late.

I think that Norway as a nation, can reduce the industrial pollution. When we build new factories we have to demand that they don`t pollute the nature. And every norwegian need to think about their way of living and try to reduce their own use of car and electricity.

In other parts of the world, like USA and China they need to find energy sources that do not create pollution. 

I really do think that global warming is true, and that is happening to the world right now. This movie, and many others like this one, shows that it`s a great problem. And the problem will increase if we don`t do anything. And the science shows that global warming is a true fact.

 Look at this picture! The ice is mealting, the polarbear is probably going to die in a few years, and many other spices. Is it right that animals all over the world should die because humans have made the world difficult to live in? Because of  our selvfishness and greed?  I don`t think so.. Do you?


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